Prof. José Carlos Pinto

Patents and Software Claims:

  1. SIMULPOL 3.0 - A Software for Steady-State Simulation of Slurry and Bulk Olefin Polymerizations, J.C. Pinto (PEQ/COPPE/UFRJ) and A.G. Mattos Neto (Polibrasil Resinas SA), protected by INPI with the record No 00031540, in April, 2000.
  2. “Processo de Obtenção de Catalisador de Polimerização Utilizando Fluidos Supercríticos e/ou Fluidos a Altas Pressões e seu Uso” (Process for Production of Polymerization Catalysts and Polymer Materials Using Supercritical Fluids and/or High Pressures and its Use), J.C. Pinto (PEQ/COPPE/UFRJ), C. Dariva (URI) and J.V. Oliveira (URI), registered at INPI/Brasil with the number No PI0302176-9 (2003). International patent PCT / BR2004 / 000106 pending (2004).
  3. “Processo de Preparação de Resina Polimérica com Distribuição Bimodal de Pesos Moleculares e/ou com Estrutura Casca-Núcleo e seu Uso” (Process for Preparation of Polymer Resins with Bimodal Molecular Weight Distribution and/or Core-Shell Structure and Its Use), J.C. Pinto, T.L.M. Alves, E.L. Lima, V.M.M. Salim, K.C.S. Figueiredo and M.K. Lenzi, registered at INPI/Brasil with the number No PI0400803-0 (2004).
  4. “Processo de Preparação de Suporte de Sílica, Compósito e Aditivo e/ou Catalisador para FCC Modificados e Suporte, Compósito e Aditivo e/ou Catalisador Assim Preparados” (Process for Preparation of Silica Supports for FCC Catalysts), A.F. Costa (CENPES/PETROBRAS), J.C. Pinto (PEQ/COPPE/UFRJ), V.M.M. Salim (PEQ/COPPE/UFRJ) and H.S. Cerqueira (CENPES/PETROBRAS), registered at INPI/Brasil with the number No PI0401726-9 (2004).
  5. Process for Production of Polymerization Catalysts Using Supercritical Fluids and/or Fluids at High Pressures and its Use , J.C. Pinto (PEQ/COPPE/UFRJ), C. Dariva (URI) e J.V. Oliveira (URI), pedido de patente internacional PCT / BR2004 / 000106, em Junho de 2004.
  6. “Processo de Produção de Asparaginase pela Bactéria Zymomonas mobilis e Uso do Caldo Fermentativo e/ou da Enzima Purificada no Tratamento de Doenças” (Process for Production of Asparaginase by Zymomonas mobilis and Use of the Fermentation Medium and/or Purified Enzyme for Treatment of Illnesses), J.C. Pinto, T.L.M. Alves and A.K.S. Abud, registered at INPI/Brasil with the number No PI0404994-2 (2004).
  7. “Processo de Síntese de Poli(Álcool Vinílico) e/ou Poli(Acetato de Vinila) com Morfologia Esférica e Estrutura Casca-Núcleo e seu Uso na Embolização Vascular” (Process for the Synthesis of Poly(Vinyl Alcohol) and/or Poly(Vinyl Acetate) With Spherical Morphology ans Shell and Nucleus Structure and Its Use in Vascular Embolization), J.C. Pinto, G. Espinosa, M. Niemeyer, F.M. Silva, M. Nele and P.A. Melo Jr., registered at INPI/Brasil with the number No PI0404952-7 (2004). International patent PCT / WO 2006 / 0505591 pending (2006).
  8. “ADPOL 2.0 – Software para Aquisição de Dados em Sistemas de Polimerização” (ADPOL 2.0 – Software for Data Acquisition in Polymerizations), J.C. Pinto, F.M. Silva and M.K. Lenzi, registered at INPI with the number No 00073523 (2006).
  9. “Pega Ponto Versão 1.0” (Pega Ponto Version 1.0), J.A. Oliveira, R. Gambetta and J.C. Pinto, registered at INPI/Brasil with the number No 00071903 (2006).
  10. Process for the Synthesis of Poly(Vinyl Alcohol) and/or Poly(Vinyl Acetate) With Spherical Morphology ans Shell and Nucleus Structure and Its Use in Vascular Embolization , J.C. Pinto, G. Espinosa, M. Niemeyer, F.M. Silva, M. Nele e P.A. Melo Jr., pedido de patente internacional PCT / WO 2006 / 050591 A2, em Maio de 2006.
  11. “Processo para a Produção de Hidrocarbonetos Clorados” (Process for Production of Hydrocarbon Chlorides), M. Schmal (PEQ/COPPE/UFRJ), J.C. Pinto (PEQ/COPPE/UFRJ), M.A.S. Baldanza (PEQ/COPPE/UFRJ), A.J. Almeida (PEQ/COPPE/UFRJ), J.M. Faria Jr. (BRASKEM), L.R. Santos (BRASKEM) and A.L.R.C. Morschbacker (BRASKEM), registered at INPI/Brasil with the number No PI0400803-0 (2006).
  12. “MWD Deconvolution 1.0”, J.A. Oliveira, F.M. Silva, M.K. Lenzi, D.F.S. Souza, M. Nele and J.C. Pinto, registered at INPI/Brasil with the number No 00076015 (2006).
  13. PSDA 1.0 – Particle Size Distribution Analyzer”, M. Soares and J.C. Pinto, registered at INPI/Brasil with the number No 00077765 (2006).
  14. “Processo para Preparação de Catalisador para Polimerização de Olefinas, Catalisador Resultante da Preparação, Uso do Catalisador para Polimerização de Olefinas e Polímero Resultante desse Processo” (Process for Production of Olefin Polymerization Catalyst, Catayst Resulting from the Process, Use of Catalyst for Production of Polyolefins and Polymer Obtained from the Polymerization Process), M. Nele e J.C. Pinto, registered at INPI/Brasil with the number No PI0702283-2 (2007).
  15. “Processo para Síntese de Copolímeros a Base de Propeno e 1-Buteno, Seus Produtos e Aplicações” (Process for Production of Propene/1-Butene Copolymers, Its Products and Applications), J.C. Pinto, M. Nele, J.C.S. Fadigas, F.M. Silva, P.A. Melo Jr. and E.L. Lima, registered at INPI/Brasil with the number No PI0705493-9 (2007).
  16. “Processo para Produção de Polianilinas Condutoras Sensíveis à Compressão, Materiais Resultantes do processo e Uso dos Materiais como Sensores de Pressão” (Process for Production of Pressure-Sensitive Conducting Polyanilines, Resulting Materials and Their Usage as Pressure Sensors), J.C. Pinto, M.N. Souza, B.G. Soares, F.G. Souza Jr., T.K. Anzai, P.A. Melo, registered at INPI/Brasil with the number No PI0705821-9 (2007)
  17. “Desenvolvimento de Metodologia para Desativação Acelerada de Catalisadores de Hidrotratamento em Plantas Piloto” (A Method for the Accelerated Deactivation of Catalysts in Hydrotreating Pilot Plants), M.E. Pacheco, V.M.M. Salim and J.C. Pinto, registered at PETROBRAS with the number CENPES/PDAB/PP 000260/2008 (2008).
  18. “REFSIM 2007 – Um Simulador para o Reator de Reforma a Vapor” (REFSIM 2007 – A Process Simulator for the Steam Reforming of Gas), R.C. Bittencourt, A.L. Alberton, J.C. Pinto, M. Schwaab and M. Soares, registered at INPI/Brasil with the number No 00092824 (2008).
  19. “Calculadora BPZ 1.0” (BPZ Calculator 1.0), J.C. Pinto, R.F. Lacerda, R.L.F.V. Melo, M. Soares, G.C. Nascimento, Z.A. Franco and L.R.R. Silva, registered at INPI/Brasil with the number No 00044911 (2009).
  20. “Processo para Modificação de Fibras de Curauá (Anana erectifolius) com Partículas de Polímeros Condutores, Produtos Resultantes desse Processo e Uso desses Produtos como Elementos Sensores” (Process for Modification of Curauá Fibers with Conducting Polymer Particles, Resulting Products and Uses as Sensors), G.E. Oliveira, C.H.M. Rodrigues, P.H.S. Picciani, F.G. Souza Jr. and J.C. Pinto, registered at INPI/Brasil with the number No PI0902335-6 (2009).
  21. “Processo para Produção de Biocompósitos Magnéticos à Base de Cardanol e Furfural, Produtos Resultantes desse Processo e Uso desses Produtos para Remoção de Petróleo” (Process for Production of biosensor-based magnetic Cardanol and Furfural, productsresulting from this process and use these products for Removal of Oil), G.E. Oliveira (UFES), C.H.M. Rodrigues (IMA/UFRJ), P.H.S. Picciani (IMA/UFRJ), F.G. Souza Jr. (IMA/UFRJ) e J.C. Pinto (PEQ/COPPE/UFRJ), registered at INPI/Brasil with the number (Pendente), (2010).
  22. “Processo para Reciclagem e Produção de Misturas de Materiais Poliméricos por Incorporação In Situ no Processo de Polimerização em Suspensão, Produtos Resultantes do Processo e Usos desses Produtos” (Process for Production and Recycling of Polymer Blends by In Situ Incorporation Process in Suspension Polymerization, products of processing and uses of these products), C.K. Melo, C.A. Castor Jr., M. Nele, P.A. Melo Jr. e J.C. Pinto, registered at INPI/Brasil with the number (Pendente), July de 2010.
  23. “Simulador BPZ 1.0 (Simulator BPZ 1.0)”, J.C. Pinto (PEQ/COPPE/UFRJ), R.F. Lacerda (UFF), R.L.F.V. Melo (UFBA), M. Soares (PEQ/COPPE/UFRJ) e Z.A. Franco (Engepet), registered at INPI/Brasil with the number 020100090132, September de 2010.
  24. “Processo para Produção de Resinas à Base de Poli(Tereftalato de Etileno), Resinas à Base de Poli(Tereftalato de Etileno) e Uso das Referidas Resinas (Process for Producing Resin-Based Poly (Ethylene Terephthalate) Resin-Based Poly(Ethylene Terephthalate) and use of such resins)”, J.C. Pinto, A.B. Soares Jr., F.W. Gomes e V.L. Pereira, registered at INPI/Brasil with the number (Pendente), July, 2010.
  25. “Processo para Produção de Nanopartículas Dopadas com Praziuantel por Polimerização in-situ em Miniemulsão, Produto Resultante do Processo e seu Uso” (Process for Production of Nanoparticles doped with Praziquantel for in-situ polymerization Polymerization in miniemulsion, Resulting Product Process and its Use), L. Fonseca, M. Nele, J.C. Pinto, registered at INPI/Brasil with the number (Pendente), October, 2010.
  26. “Processo para Produção de Partículas Poliméricas por Evaporação em Suspensão, Partículas Poliméricas Produzidas por esse Processo e Usos das Referidas Partículas” (Process for Production pf Polymer Particles by Suspension Evaporation , PolymerParticles produced by this process and uses of these particles), M. Pinto, F.W. Gomes, C.K. Melo e J.C. Pinto, registered at INPI/Brasil with the number (Pendente), February, 2011.
  27. EPSS – Expandable Polystyrene Simulator, J.C. Pinto, M. Soares, C.A. Castor e C.K. Melo, registered at INPI/Brasil with the number 0000271101258765, April, 2011.
  28. "Processo para Síntese de Copolímeros à Base de Propeno, Eteno e Diolefinas, Seus Produtos e Usos” (Process for Synthesis of Copolymers Based Propylene, Ethylene and diolefin, its Products and Uses), , A.F. Lima, M. Nele e J.C. Pinto, registered at INPI/Brasil (number still pending) (2011).
  29. "Processo para Produção de Resinas à Base de Poli(2,5-Furanodicarboxilato de Etileno), Resinas à Base de Poli (2,5-Furanodicarboxilato de Etileno) e Uso das Referidas Resinas” (Process for Production of resins based on poly (2,5- ethylene Furanodicarboxilato) resins based on poly (2,5- ethylene Furanodicarboxilato) and use of such resins), J.C. Pinto, F.W. Gomes, J.G.F. Santos Jr., J.F. Sinfitele Jr., C.R. Piombini, registered at INPI/Brasil (number still pending) (2011).
  30. Sistemas Particulados de Transporte de Ácido para a Perfuração de Formações Rochosas Portadoras de Hidrocarbonetos , J.C. Pinto, F.G. Souza e M. Nele, registrado no INPI sob N o PI (pendente), em dezembro de 2012.
  31. Processo para Produção de Nanopartículas Carregadas com Filtros Solares, Produto Resultante do Processo e seu Uso , J.C. Pinto, B. Lorca, E.P. Santos e M. Nele, registrado no INPI sob N o PI (pendente), em janeiro de 2013.
  32. Produção de Resinas à Base de Poliésteres Alifáticos por meio do Processo de Policondensação em Suspensão, Produtos Resultantes desse Processo e Uso das Referidas Resinas , J.C. Pinto, M. Nele e L.S. Dutra, registrado no INPI sob N o PI BR-10-2014-019094-5, em agosto de 2014.


  1. "Métodos Numéricos em Problemas de Engenharia Química" (Numerical Methods in Chemical Engineering Problems), J.C. Pinto and P.L.C. Lage, E-Papers, Rio de Janeiro, 2001. (ISBN 85-87922-11-4)
  2. “Palavras” (Words), J.C. Pinto, Editora Frutos, Rio de Janeiro, 2006. (ISBN 85-7650-063-9)
  3. “Análise de Dados Experimentais I. Fundamentos de Estatística e Estimação de Parâmetros” (Analysis of Experimental Data I. Fundamentals of Statistics and Parameter Estimation), M. Schwaab and J.C. Pinto, E-Papers, Rio de Janeiro, 2007. (ISBN 9798576500888)
  4. Análise de Dados Experimentais II. Planejamento de Experimentos (Analysis of Experimental data II. Experimental Design), M. Schwaab and J.C. Pinto, E-Papers, Rio de Janeiro – RJ, 2011. (ISBN 978-85-7650-297-5)
  5. "Lendo o Jornal na Varanda - As Minhas Cartas Não Publicadas em "O Globo"" (Reading the Newspaper on the Veranda – My Letters Not Published in “The Globe”), J. C. Pinto, E-Papers, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, 2012. (ISBN: 978-85-7650-321-7)
  6. Impactos Ambientais Causados pelos Plásticos – Uma Discussão Abrangente sobre os Mitos e os Dados Científicos” ( Environmental Impacts Caused by Plastics - A Comprehensive Discussion on the Myths and the Science Data ), E-Papers , Rio de Janeiro - RJ, 2012. (ISBN :   978-85-7650-341-5)

Books Chapters:

  1. “Control of Polymerization Reactors”, J.R. Leiza and J.C. Pinto, Chapter 08 in “Polymer Reaction Engineering”, edited by J.M. Asua, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford – UK, 2007. (ISBN 9781405144421, ISBN10 1405144424)
  2. Infrared (MIR, NIR), Raman and Other Spectroscopic Methods, A.F. Santos, F.M. Silva, M.K. Lenzi e J.C. Pinto, Capítulo 6 do livro Monitoring Polymerization Reactions: from Fundamentals to Applications ., Ed. W.F Reed e A.M. Alb, Wiley, New York, 107-134, 2013. ( ISBN: 978-0-470-91738-1)
  3. Suspension Polymerization Processes: A Review, M. Pinto, J.G.F. Santos Jr., F. Machado e J.C. Pinto, Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology , 1-31, 2013.

Papers published in national scientific journals:

  1. Colocação Ortogonal em Sistemas Discretos: Aplicações na Engenharia Química - parte III, J.C.Pinto and E.C.Biscaia Jr., Revista Brasileira de Engenharia, 5, 2, 19 - 30, 1988.
  2. Otimização dos Pesos Associados à Redução de Ordem de Sistemas Discretos, J.C.Pinto and E.C.Biscaia Jr., Revista Brasileira de Engenharia, 5, 2, 05 - 17, 1988.
  3. Uma Revisão sobre Sistemas Dinâmicos Não Lineares, Teoria de Bifurcações e Comportamento Dinâmico de Sistemas da Engenharia Química, J.C.Pinto, Revista Brasileira de Engenharia, 8, 2, 05 - 65, 1991.
  4. Controle Não Linear de Processos, M.Embiruçu, J.C.Pinto and E.L.Lima, Revista Brasileira de Engenharia, 11, 2, 43-81, 1994.
  5. Porque a Indústria de Plásticos não Precisa ter Medo do Caos, J.C.Pinto, Ciência Hoje, 18, 105, 52-60, 1994.
  6. Constrained Mimo Non-Linear Control Problems: Studies on a Benchmark Process, M. Embiruçu, J.C. Pinto and E.L. Lima, Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 13, 02, 85-97, 1996.
  7. Sintesis de Copolimeros Homogeneos de Acido Acrilico y Acetato de Vinilo, C. Zaldívar, O. del Sol, G. Iglesias, I. Ricardo and J.C. Pinto, Revista CNIC Ciencias Quimicas, 27, 1-2-3, 22-24, 1996.
  8. Modelagem e Simulação do Processo de Extração Supercrítica do Óleo Essencial de Alecrim, L.A.F. Coelho, J.V. Oliveira and J.C. Pinto, Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos, 17, 4, 446-448, 1997.
  9. Statistical Analysis of the SCFE of a Brazilian Mineral Coal, C. Dariva, J.V. Oliveira, J.C. Pinto, M.G. Vale and E.B. Caramão, Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos, 17, 4, 512-516, 1997.
  10. Taking Variable Correlation Into Consideration During Parameter Estimation, T.J. Santos and J.C. Pinto, Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 15, 01, 01-20, 1998.
  11. Um Novo Método de Planejamento Sequencial de Experimentos Para Discriminação de Modelos, S.L. Oliveira, J.C. Pinto and J.L. Monteiro, Boletim Técnico PETROBRÁS, 41, 01/02, 65-74, 1998.
  12. Determinação em Linha de Tamanho de Partículas na Polimerização em Suspensão, A.F. Santos, E.L. Lima and J.C. Pinto, Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia, 9, 4, 39-45, 1999.
  13. Copolimerización de Ácido Acrílico y Acetato de Vinilo. Comportamiento en un Reactor Discontinuo y en un Reactor Continuo de Tanque Agitado, C. Zaldívar, G. Iglesias, I. Wong and J.C. Pinto, Revista CNIC Ciencias Quimicas, 31, 3, 189-194, 2000.
  14. La Influencia de los Errores Experimentales Durante la Evaluación Laboratorial de Catalizadores de FCC, H.S. Cerqueira, R.Rawet and J.C. Pinto, FCC en Revista, 23, Abril, 3-15, 2000.
  15. Mathematical Modeling of Dispersion Polymerizations. Study of the Styrene Polymerization in Ethanol., P.H.H. Araújo and J.C. Pinto, Braz. J. Chem. Eng., 17, 4-7, 383-393, 2000.
  16. Mathematical Modeling of Polystyrene Particle Size Distribution Produced by Suspension Polymerization, R.A.F. Machado, J.C. Pinto, P.H.H. Araújo and A. Bolzan, Braz. J. Chem. Eng., 17, 4-7, 395-405, 2000.
  17. Control of a Loop Polymerization Reactor Using Neural Networks, M.P. Vega, E.L. Lima and J.C. Pinto, Braz. J. Chem. Eng., 17, 4-7, 471-481, 2000.
  18. Advanced Control of Propylene Polymerizations in Slurry Reactors, A. Bolsoni, E.L. Lima and J.C. Pinto, Braz. J. Chem. Eng., 17, 4-7, 565-573, 2000.
  19. Modelo para a Hidrogenação Catalítica dos Compostos Aromáticos - HDA - em Destilados Médios, E.R. Dauzacker, J.C. Pinto and J.L.F. Monteiro, Revista Técnica de Energia, Petróleo e Gás, 1, 1, 79-83, 2002.
  20. Modelagem do Processo de Fragmentação de Catalisadores Suportados Durante a Pré-Polimerização de Olefinas, D.M. Merquior, E.L. Lima and J.C. Pinto, Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia, 12, 3, 220-227, 2002.
  21. Modelagem da Polimerização Simultânea de Estireno em Suspensão e Emulsão, M. K. Lenzi, E. L. Lima and J. C. Pinto, Polímeros, Ciência e Tecnologia, 14, 2, 112-121, 2004.
  22. Distribuição de Peso Molecular em Poliolefinas: Contribuição ao Estudo da Bimodalidade e da Desconvolução, M. Fortuny, M. Nele, P.A. Melo Jr. and J.C. Pinto, Polímeros, Ciência e Tecnologia, 14, 3, 194-200, 2004.
  23. Preparo de Catalisadores de FCC Modificados com Siloxanos para Redução do Índice de Atrito e Aumento da Acessibilidade, A.F. Costa, J.C. Pinto, V.M.M. Salim and J.C. Karam, Boletim Técnico da Petrobras, 47, 2/4, 255-265, 2004.
  24. Uma Nova Abordagem da Polimerização de Resinas pela Combinação de Processos, E.L. Lima, J.C. Pinto and M.K. Lenzi, Plástico Industrial, 80, 166-201, 2005.
  25. Estudo Comparativo da Reação Inflamotória Renal Entre Álcool de Polivinil – Flocular e Álcool de Polivinil + Acetato de Polivinil – Esférico: Estudo Experimental, W.D.S. Mendes, V.L.A. Chagas, J.C. Pinto, J.G. Caldas and G. Espinosa, Rev. Col. Bras. Cir., 32, 3, 120-126, 2005.
  26. Flutuações Estocásticas para a Distribuição de Tempos de Residência em um Reator Tubular de Polimerização, A.S. Vianna Jr., E.C. Biscaia Jr. and J. C. Pinto, Polímeros, Ciência e Tecnologia, 16, 1, 19-25, 2006.
  27. Uma Revisão Sobre os Processos de Polimerização em Suspensão, F. Machado, E.L. Lima and J.C. Pinto, Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia., 17, 2, 166-179, 2007.
  28. AFM Characterization of Polyaniline Nano-particles, F.G. Souza, R.C.H. Manzini and J.C. Pinto, Activity Reports of the LNLS, 2, 123-124, 2008.
  29. Blends of Polyaniline and Cardanol/Furfural Bioresin - Preliminary X-ray Diffraction Study under Pressure, F.G. Souza, T.A. Cosme, M.T.D. Orlando and J.C. Pinto, Activity Reports of the LNLS, 2, 129-130, 2008.
  30. Influence of Reaction Media on Radius of Gyration of PAni.DBSA, F.G. Souza, T.K. Anzai and J.C. Pinto, Activity Reports of the LNLS, 2, 151-152, 2008.
  31. SAXS Study of In-Situ Blends of Polyaniline and Cardanol Bioresin, F.G. Souza, P.R.F. Richa, G.E. Oliveira, R.C.H. Manzini, M. Nele and J.C. Pinto, Activity Reports of the LNLS, 2, 201-202, 2008.
  32. XPS Study of New In-Situ Blends of Polyaniline and Cardanol Bio-resin, F.G. Souza, P.R.F. Richa, A. Siervo, M. Nele, R.C.H. Manzini and J.C. Pinto, Activity Reports of the LNLS, 2, 231-232, 2008.
  33. Cellulosic Paper Sheets Modified with Polyaniline Nanoparticles – A Morphological Study by SAXS, F.G. Souza Jr., J.C. Pinto and G.E. Oliveira, Activity Reports of the LNLS, 3, 1-2, 2009.
  34. Monitoramento In-Situ e em Tempo Real de Variáveis Morfológicas do PVC Usando Espectroscopia NIR, J.M. Faria Jr., F. Machado, E.L. Lima and J.C. Pinto, Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia, 19, 2, 95-104, 2009.
  35. In-Line Estimation of Sulfur and Nitrogen Contents During Hydrotreatment of Medium Distillates, M.E. Pacheco, V.M.M. Salim and J.C. Pinto, Braz. J. Chem. Eng., 26, 4, 733-744, 2009.
  36. Uma Proposta para Detecção de Erros Grosseiros em Balanços de Massa de Processos Industriais, A.M. Oliveira Jr., E.J. Santos, E.L. Lima e J.C. Pinto, Scientia Plena, 7, 4, 1-6, 2011.
  37. Production of Bone Cement Composites Through In-Situ Incorporation of Fillers, J. Santos Jr., V. Pita, M. Nele, P.A. Melo and J.C. Pinto, Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 28, 02, 229-241., 2011
  38. Uma Revisão sobre Polimerização de Olefinas Usando Catalisadores Ziegler-Natta Heterogêneos, F. Machado e J.C. Pinto, Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia, 21, 4, 321-324, 2011.
  39. A identificação Estrutural como Proposta de Classificação de Variáveis para a Reconciliação de Dados Industriais, A.M. Oliveira Jr., E.L. Lima e J.C. Pinto, Scientia Plena, 7, 11, 1-7, 2011.
  40. Síntese e Caracterização de Copolímeros de Propeno com 1-Hexeno E 1,5-Hexadieno, A. F. Lima, G. R. Borges, L. M. Candeco e J. C. Pinto, Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia, 22, 3, 1-7, 2012.
  41. Synthesis of Radiolabeled Microspheres, L. Carvalheira, M.B. Correa, D.P. Santos e J.C. Pinto, Instituto de Engenharia Nuclear: Progress Report , 2, 72, 2013.
  42. Influence of Reaction Operation Conditions on the Final Properties of High Impact Polystyrene (HIPS), F.R. Cunha, J.M. Costa, M. Nele, R.O.M. Folly, M.B. Souza Jr. e J.C. Pinto, Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering , 30, 3, 575-587, 2013.
  43. Effect of Process Variables on the Preparation of Artificial Bone Cements, J. Santos Jr., V. Pita, P. Melo, M. Nele e J.C. Pinto, Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering , 30 , 4, 865-876, 2013.
  44. Desenvolvimento de um Medicamento Brasileiro Nanoencapsulado para o Tratamento da Esquistossomose, L.B. Fonseca, A.L. Viçosa, A.C.A. Mattos, P.M.Z. Coelho, N. Araújo, H.P.S. Zamith, N.M. Volpato, M. Nele e J.C. Pinto, Vigilância Sanitária em Debate , 1 , 4, 85-91, 2013.
  45. Polimerização RAFT em Miniemulsão, M.A.M. Oliveira, M. Nele e J.C. Pinto, Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia , 23 , 6, 1-14, 2013.
  46. Assistência e Proteção no contexto da Convenção Para Proibição das Armas Químicas, P.A.M. Cabral, C.E.G. Ilha, T.C. C. Franca, J.C. Pinto, C.R.Silva, E.S. Nogueira, Revista Virtual de Química, 6 , 3, 573-590, 2014.
  47. Simulações Multifásicas por Fluidodinâmica Computacional como Suporte ao Planejamento de Emergências com Agentes Químicos, I.V.B. Marinho, J.C. Pinto e E.S. Nogueira, Revista Virtual de Química , 6 , 3, 795-814, 2014.
  48. Effect of Tamoxifen in RAFT Miniemulsion Polymerization during the Synthesis of Polymeric Nanoparticles, T.S.A. Moreira, M.A.M. Oliveira, L.M.T.R. Lima, M. Nele e J.C. Pinto, Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia , 24 , 2, 1-6, 2014.

Papers published in international scientific journals:

  1. Order Reduction Strategies for Models of Staged Separation Systems, J.C.Pinto and E.C.Biscaia Jr., Comp. Chem. Eng., 12, 8, 821 - 831, 1988.
  2. Dynamic Behavior of Continuous Vinyl Chloride Bulk and Suspension Polymerization Reactors. A Simple Model Analysis, J.C.Pinto, Polym. Eng. Sci., 30, n. 5, 291 - 302, 1990.
  3. Vinyl Chloride Suspension Polymerization with Constant Rate. A Numerical Study of Batch Reactors, J.C.Pinto, J. Vinyl Techn., 12, 1, 7 - 12, 1990.
  4. Sequential Experimental Design for Parameter Estimation: A Different Approach, J.C.Pinto, M.W.Lobão and J.L.Monteiro, Chem. Eng. Sci., 45, 883 - 892, 1990.
  5. Dynamic Behavior of Continuous Vinyl Chloride Suspension Polymerization Reactors: Effects of Segregation, J.C.Pinto, Polym. Eng. Sci., 30, 15, 925 - 930, 1990.
  6. Constrained Optimal Batch Polymerization Control, A.R.Secchi, E.L.Lima and J.C.Pinto, Polym. Eng. Sci., 30, 19, 1209 - 1219, 1990.
  7. Sequential Experimental Design for Parameter Estimation: Analysis of Relative Deviations, J.C.Pinto, M.W.Lobão and J.L.Monteiro, Chem. Engng. Sci., 46, 3129 - 3138, 1991.
  8. Refractive Index of Solutions Containing Poly (vinyl Acetate) and Poly (methyl Methacrylate), D.Bahr and J.C.Pinto, J.Appl. Polym. Sci., 42, 2795 - 2809, 1991.
  9. Steady-State Multiplicity of Continuous Bulk Polymerization Reactors - A General Approach, I.P. Freitas Filho, E.C. Biscaia Jr. and J.C.Pinto, Chem. Engng. Sci, 49, 22, 3745-3755, 1994.
  10. The Dynamic Behavior of Continuous Solution Polymerization Reactors - VII. Experimental Study of a Copolymerization Reactor, J.C.Pinto and W.H. Ray, Chem. Engng. Sci., 50, 4, 715-736, 1995.
  11. The Dynamic Behavior of Continuous Solution Polymerization Reactors - VIII. A Full Bifurcation Analysis of a Lab - Scale Copolymerization Reactor, J.C.Pinto and W.H.Ray, Chem. Engng. Sci., 50, 6, 1041-1056, 1995.
  12. The Dynamic Behavior of Continuous Solution Polymerization Reactors - A Full Bifurcation Analysis of a Full Scale Copolymerization Reactor, J.C.Pinto, Chem. Engng. Sci., 50, 21, 3455-3475, 1995.
  13. The Dynamic Behavior of Continuous Solution Polymerization Reactors IX - Effects of Inhibition, J.C.Pinto and W.H. Ray, Chem. Engng. Sci., 51, 1, 63-79, 1996.
  14. A Survey on Advanced Control of Polymerization Reactors, M.E. Souza, E.L.Lima and J.C.Pinto, Polym. Engng. Sci., 36, 433-447, 1996.
  15. Control of a Chaotic Polymerization Reactor: A Neural Network Based Model Predictive Approach, M.Bezerra, E.L.Lima and J.C.Pinto, Polym. Engng. Sci., 36, 4, 448-457, 1996.
  16. Dynamics of Continuous Isobutylene Cationic Polymerizations, M.F. Freitas and J.C. Pinto, Jl. Appl. Polym. Sci., 60, 1109-1126, 1996.
  17. Hybrid-Neural Modeling for Particulate Solid Drying Processes, F.A. Cubillos, P.I. Alvarez, J.C. Pinto and E.L. Lima, Powder Technol., 87, 153-160, 1996.
  18. An Adaptive Orthogonal Collocation Technique for Discrete Distributions on Infinite Domains, J.C.Pinto and E.C.Biscaia Jr., Lat. Am. Appl. Res., 26, 1, 1-20, 1996.
  19. A Modified and Volume Translated Soave-Redlich-Kwong Equation of State, M.Aznar, J.C.Pinto and A.S.Telles, Lat. Am. Appl. Res., 26, 2, 121-131, 1996.
  20. Modeling of Grain Drying in Continuous Cross-Flow Sliding Bed Dryers, M.A. Mayta S., G. Massarani and J.C. Pinto, Can. Jl. Chem. Engng., 74, 5, 797-805, 1996.
  21. Dynamic Modeling of SBR Emulsion Polymerization Reactors Refrigerated by Thermosyphons, C. Sayer, E.L. Lima and J.C. Pinto, Chem. Engng. Sci., 52, 3, 341-356, 1997.
  22. Modeling and Control of Tubular Solution Polymerization Reactors, M.P. Vega, E.L. Lima and J.C. Pinto, Comp. Chem. Engng., 21, 13, 1049-1054, 1997.
  23. Modeling and Optimization of Suspension SAN Polymerization Reactors, M.J.R. Cavalcanti and J.C. Pinto, Jl. Appl. Polym. Sci., 65, 9, 1683-1701, 1997.
  24. On the Preparation of Acrylic Acid / Vinyl Acetate Copolymers With Constant Composition - 4. Modeling Batch and Continuous Free-Radical AA/VA Copolymerization, C. Zaldívar, G. Iglesias, O. del Sol and J.C. Pinto, Polymer, 38, 23, 5823-5833, 1997.
  25. Dynamic Behavior of a Continuous Autothermal Isobutylene Polymerization Reactor, M. Nele and J.C. Pinto, Jl. Appl. Polym. Sci., 65, 1403-1413, 1997.
  26. On the Preparation of Acrylic Acid / Vinyl Acetate Copolymers With Constant Composition - 2. Refractive Indexes for In-Line Evaluation of Monomer Conversion and Copolymer Composition, C. Zaldívar, G. Iglesias, O. del Sol and J.C. Pinto, Polymer, 39, 1, 247-251, 1997.
  27. On the Costs of Parameter Uncertainties. The Effect of Parameter Uncertainties on the Optimization and Design of Experiments, J.C. Pinto, Chem. Engng. Sci., 53, 11, 2029-2040, 1998.
  28. Optimization of a Batch Solution Polymerizations: Simulation Studies Using an Inhibitor and a Chain Transfer Agent, A.T.M. Oliveira, E.C. Biscaia Jr. and J.C. Pinto, Jl. Appl. Polym. Sci., 69, 6, 1137-1152, 1998.
  29. Evaluation of the Effects of Process Variables on the Characteristics of the Products from SCFE of a Brazilian Mineral Coal by Statistical Methods, C. Dariva, J.V. Oliveira, J.C. Pinto, M.G. Vale and E.B. Caramão, Jl. Supercrit. Fluids, 13, 1-3, 343-350, 1998.
  30. Experimental Design for Model Discrimination of Thermodynamic Models, C. Dariva, J.V. Oliveira and J.C. Pinto, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 146, 1-2, 35-50, 1998.
  31. A Bifurcation Study on Neural Network Models for Nonlinear Dynamical Systems, H.M. Henrique, E.L. Lima and J.C. Pinto, Lat. Am. Appl. Res., 28, 3, 187-200, 1998.
  32. Performance of Continuous Loop Reactors in Emulsion Polymerization, P.H. Araújo, C. Abad, J.C. de la Cal, J.M. Asua and J.C. Pinto, DECHEMA Monographs, 134, 439-447, 1998.
  33. In-Line Evaluation of Average Particle Size in Styrene Suspension Polymerizations Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy, A.F. Santos, E.L. Lima and J.C. Pinto, Jl. Appl. Polym. Sci, 70, 9, 1737-1745, 1998.
  34. Preparation of High Loading Silica Supported Nickel Catalyst: Simultaneous Analysis of the Precipitation and Aging Steps, M. Nele, A. Vidal, D.L. Bhering, J.C. Pinto, V.M.M. Salim, Appl. Cat. A: Gen., 178, 177-189, 1999.
  35. The Influence of Experimental Errors During Laboratory Evaluation of FCC Catalysts, H.S. Cerqueira, R. Rawet and J.C. Pinto, Appl. Cat. A: Gen., 181, 209-220, 1999.
  36. Computation of Molecular Weight Distributions by Polynomial Approximation with Complete Adaptation Procedures, M. Nele, C. Sayer and J.C. Pinto, Macromol. Theory Simul., 8, 3, 199-213, 1999.
  37. Emulsion Polymerization in a Loop Reactor: Effect of the Operation Conditions, P.H.H. Araújo, C. Abad, J.C. de la Cal, J.C. Pinto and J.M. Asua, Polym. React. Engng., 7, 3, 303-326, 1999.
  38. Tubular Solution Styrene Polymerization Reactors: Modeling, Control and Stability Analysis, M.P. Vega, E.L. Lima and J.C. Pinto, in "Dynamics and Control of Process Systems", Ed. C. Georgakis, Pergamon, New York, 2, 697-702, 1999.
  39. Kinetics of the Seeded Semicontinuous Emulsion Copolymerization of Methyl Methacrylate and Butyl Acrylate, C. Sayer, E.L. Lima, J.C. Pinto, G. Arzamendi and J.M. Asua, J. Polym. Sci. A: Polym. Chem., 38, 2, 367-375, 2000.
  40. Statistical Experimental Design and Modeling of Polypropylene-Wood Fiber Composites, T.H.S. Costa, D.L. Carvalho, D.C.S. Souza, F.M.B. Coutinho, J.C. Pinto and B.V. Kokta, Polym. Test., 19, 419-428, 2000.
  41. Evaluation of Parameter Uncertainties During the Determination of the Intrinsic Viscosity of Polymer Solutions, D. Gomes, C.P. Borges and J.C. Pinto, Polymer, 41, 14, 5531-5534, 2000.
  42. MWD in Composition Controlled Emulsion Copolymerization, C. Sayer, E.L. Lima, J.C. Pinto, G. Arzamendi and J.M. Asua, J. Polym. Sci. A: Polym. Chem., 38, 7, 1100-1109, 2000.
  43. Dynamic Optimization of Semicontinuous Emulsion Copolymerization Reactions: Composition and Molecular Weight Distribution, C. Sayer, G. Arzamendi, J.M. Asua, E.L. Lima and J.C. Pinto, in "Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering", Ed. S. Pierucci, 8, 457-462, 2000.
  44. Modeling Particle Size Distribution (PSD) in Emulsion Copolymerization Reactions in a Continuous Loop Reactor, P.H.H. Araújo, J.C. de la Cal, J.M. Asua, and J.C. Pinto, in "Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering", Ed. S. Pierucci, 8, 565-570, 2000.
  45. Control and Design of Average Particle Size in Styrene Suspension Polymerizations Using NIRS, A.F. Santos, E.L. Lima and J.C. Pinto, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 77, 2, 453-462, 2000.
  46. Retrofitting of Industrial Olefin Polymerization Plants: Producing Broad MWDs Through Multiobjective Periodic Operation, M. Nele and J.C. Pinto, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 77, 437-452, 2000.
  47. Continuous Soluble Ziegler-Natta Ethylene Polymerizations in Reactor Trains– I. Mathematical Modeling, M. Embiruçu, E.L. Lima and J.C. Pinto, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 77, 1574-1590, 2000.
  48. Two-State Models for Olefin Polymerization Using Metallocene Catalysts 1. Application to Fluxional Metallocene Catalyst Systems, M. Nele, S. Collins, M.L. Dias, J.C. Pinto, S. Lin and R. M. Waymouth, Macromolecules, 33, 20, 7249-7260, 2000.
  49. Kinetics of Propylene Polymerization Using Bis(2-Phenylindenyl) Zirconium Dichloride / Methylaluminoxane, S. Lin, C.D. Tagge, R. Waymouth, M. Nele, S. Collins and J.C. Pinto, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 122, 46, 11275-11285, 2000.
  50. High-Pressure Phase Equilibria for Polypropylene-Hydrocarbon Systems, J.V. Oliveira, C. Dariva and J. C. Pinto, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 39, 12, 4627-4633, 2000.
  51. Study of the Synthesis of Poly(4-4’-Diphenylether-1,3,4-Oxadiazole) in Solutions of Poly(Phosphoric Acid), D. Gomes, C.P. Borges and J.C. Pinto, Polymer, 42, 3, 851-865, 2001.
  52. In-Line Monitoring of Weight Average Molecular Weight in Solution Polymerizations Using Intrinsic Viscosity Measurements, M.P. Vega, E.L. Lima and J.C. Pinto, Polymer, 42, 8, 3909-3914, 2001.
  53. The Influence of Covariances During Laboratory Evaluation of FCC Catalysts, R. Rawet, H.S. Cerqueira and J.C. Pinto, Appl. Cat. A: Gen., 207, 1-2, 199-209, 2001.
  54. Matrix Representation of Polymer Chain Size Distributions. 1. Linear Polymerization Mechanisms at Steady-State Conditions., J.C. Pinto, Macromol. Theory Simul., 10, 2, 79-99, 2001.
  55. Method for Quantitative Evaluation of Kinetic Constants in Olefin Polymerizations. 1. Kinetic Study of a Conventional Ziegler-Natta Catalyst Used for Propylene Polymerizations, V. Matos, A.G. Mattos Neto and J.C. Pinto, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 79, 11, 2076-2108, 2001.
  56. On the Determination of Periodic Solutions of Autonomous Ordinary Differential Equations Using the Homotopy Method, C.O. Ourique, E.C. Biscaia Jr. and J.C. Pinto, Lat. Am. Appl. Res., 31, 1, 41-48, 2001.
  57. Modeling of End-Use Properties of Poly(Propylene/Ethylene) Resins, A. Latado, M. Embiruçu, A.G. Mattos Neto and J.C. Pinto, Polym. Test., 20, 4, 419-439, 2001.
  58. Dynamic Optimization of Semicontinuous Emulsion Copolymerization Reactions: Composition and Molecular Weight Distribution. 2., C. Sayer, G. Arzamendi, J.M. Asua, E.L. Lima and J.C. Pinto, Comp. Chem. Eng., 25, 4-6, 839-849, 2001.
  59. Characterization of the Residence Time Distribution in Loop Reactors, P.A. Melo, E.C. Biscaia Jr. and J.C. Pinto, Chem. Eng. Sci., 56, 8, 2703-2713, 2001.
  60. Periodic Oscillations in Continuous Free-Radical Solution Polymerization Reactors - A General Approach, P.A. Melo, J.G. Sampaio, E.C. Biscaia Jr. and J.C. Pinto, Chem. Eng. Sci., 56, 11, 3469-3482, 2001.
  61. In-Line Dieletric Monitoring of MMA/BuA Copolymerization Reactions, A.F. Santos, A. Cherfi, T. McKenna, G. Seytre, E.L. Lima, J.C. Pinto and G. Fevotte, Chimia, 55, 3, 251-253 2001.
  62. Using Multiplicity to Improve Reactor Performance and Product Quality in Emulsion Polymerization in Continuous Loop Reactors, P.H.H. Araújo, C. Abad, J.C. de la Cal, J.C. Pinto and J.M. Asua, Polym. React. Eng., 9, 1, 1-17, 2001.
  63. Modeling and Optimization of the Combined Carbon Dioxide Reforming and Partial Oxidation of Natural Gas, A.L. Larentis, N.S. Resende, V.M.M. Salim and J.C. Pinto, Appl. Catal. A: Gen., 215, 1-2, 211-224, 2001.
  64. Two-State Models for Olefin Polymerization using Metallocene Catalysts II: Application to Ansa-Metallocene Catalyst Systems, M. Nele, M. Mohammed, S. Collins, M.L. Dias and J.C. Pinto, Macromolecules, 34, 12, 3830-3841, 2001.
  65. Phase Equilibria of Polypropylene Samples with Hydrocarbon Solvents at High Pressures, C. Dariva, J.V. Oliveira, F.W. Tavares and J. C. Pinto, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 81, 3044-3055, 2001.
  66. Steady-State Modeling of Slurry and Bulk Propylene Polymerizations, A.G. Mattos Neto and J.C. Pinto, Chem. Eng. Sci., 56, 13, 4043-4057, 2001.
  67. Detection of Monomer Droplets in a Polymer Latex by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy, R.A.M. Vieira, C. Sayer, E.L. Lima and J.C. Pinto, Polymer, 42, 21, 8901-8906, 2001.
  68. On the Costs of Parameter Uncertainties. 2. The Impact of EVOP Procedures on the Optimization and Design of Experiments, J.C. Pinto, Can. J. Chem. Eng., 79, 3, 412-421, 2001.
  69. Modeling MWD in Emulsion Polymerization Reactions with Transfer to Polymer, C. Sayer, P.H.H. Araújo, G. Arzamendi, J.M. Asua, E.L. Lima and J.C. Pinto, J. Polym. Sci. A: Polym. Chem., 39, 20, 3513-3529, 2001.
  70. Modeling and Simulation of the Phase Inversion Process During Membrane Preparation, G.R. Fernandes, J.C. Pinto and R. Nobrega, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 82, 3036-3051, 2001.
  71. Modeling Particle Size Distribution (PSD) in Emulsion Copolymerization Reactions in a Continuous Loop Reactor, P. H. H. Araújo, J. C. de la Cal, J. M. Asua and J. C. Pinto, Macromol. Theory Simul., 10, 769-779, 2001.
  72. Thermal Effects in Loop Polymerization Reactors, P.A. Melo, E.C. Biscaia Jr. and J.C. Pinto, Chem. Eng. Sci., 56, 23, 6793-6800, 2001.
  73. Olefin Copolymerization with Metallocene Catalysts: Development of a General Model, M. Nele and J.C. Pinto, DECHEMA Monographs, 137, 395-400, 2001.
  74. On-line Monitoring of Emulsion Polymerization: Conductivity and "Cascade" Calorimetry, A. Santos, F. Bentes-Freire, S. Ben Amor, J.C. Pinto, R. Giudici and T.F. McKenna, DECHEMA Monographs, 137, 609-615, 2001.
  75. Studies of Multiobjective Optimization of a Batch Free-Radical Polymerization Process, D.M. Merquior, J.M.R. Fontoura, J.C. Pinto and E.L. Lima, Lat. Am. Appl. Res., 31, 5, 513-517, 2001.
  76. Utilization of Neural Networks as Soft Sensors to Monitor Emulsion Polymerization Reactions (Average Particle Diameter and Conversion), P.H.H. Araújo, C. Sayer, J.C. de la Cal, J.M. Asua, E.L. Lima and J.C. Pinto, Lat. Am. Appl. Res., 31, 5, 525-531, 2001.
  77. Dynamic Optimization of Non-linear Emulsion Copolymerization Systems - Open-loop Control of Composition and Molecular Weight Distribution, M. Vicente, C. Sayer, J.R. Leiza, G. Arzamendi, E.L. Lima, J.C. Pinto and J.M. Asua, Chem. Eng. Jl., 85, 2-3, 339-349, 2002.
  78. Molecular-Weight Multimodality of Multiple Flory Distributions, Márcio Nele and José Carlos Pinto, Macromol. Theory Simul. 11, 293-307, 2002.
  79. In-Line and In-Situ Monitoring of Semi-batch Emulsion Copolymerizations Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy, R.A.M. Vieira, C. Sayer, E.L. Lima and J.C. Pinto, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 84, 14, 2670-2682, 2002.
  80. Closed-Loop Composition and Molecular Weight Control of a Copolymer Latex Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy, R.A.M. Vieira, C. Sayer, E.L. Lima and J.C. Pinto, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 41, 2915-2930, 2002.
  81. Free Radical Bulk Polymerization in Cylindrical Molds, C.E. Fontes, P.L.C. Lage and J.C. Pinto, Polym. Eng. Sci., 42, 6, 1370-1385, 2002.
  82. Preparation of High Loading Silica Supported Nickel Catalyst: Analysis of the Reduction Step, D.L. Bhering, M. Nele, J.C. Pinto and V.M.M. Salim, Appl. Catal. A Gen., 234, 55-64, 2002.
  83. Method for Quantitative Evaluation of Kinetic Constants in Olefin Polymerizations. 2. Kinetic Study of a High Activity Ziegler-Natta Catalyst Used for Bulk Propylene Polymerizations, V. Matos, A.G. Mattos Neto, M. Nele and J.C. Pinto, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 86, 13, 3226-3245, 2002.
  84. The Use of Particle Swarm Optimization for Dynamical Analysis in Chemical Processes, C.O. Ourique, E.C. Biscaia Jr. and J.C. Pinto, Comp. Chem. Eng., 26, 12, 1783-1793, 2002.
  85. Application of Dieletric Analysis to the Measurement of Conversion During Batch Solution Copolymerizations, A. Cherfi, A.F. Santos, J.C. Pinto, G. Seytre, G. Boiteux, T.F. McKenna and G. Fevotte, Chem. Eng. Proc., 42, 121-128, 2003.
  86. Analysis of Experimental Errors in Catalytic Tests for Production of Synthesis Gas, A.L. Larentis, A.M.P. Bentes Jr., N.S. Resende, V.M.M. Salim and J.C. Pinto, Appl. Catal. A: Gen., 242, 2, 365-379, 2003.
  87. Propylene Solubility in Toluene and Isododecane, C. Dariva, H. Lovisi, L.C. Santa Maria, F.M.B. Coutinho, J.V. Oliveira and J.C. Pinto, Can. J. Chem. Eng., 80, 1, 147-152, 2003.
  88. Modeling of Particle Fragmentation in Heterogeneous Olefin Polymerization Reactions, D.M. Merquior, E.L. Lima and J.C. Pinto, Polym. React. Eng., 11,1, 137-158, 2003.
  89. Steady-State Behavior of Slurry and Bulk Propylene Polymerization, A.G. Oliveira, P.C. Muniz, P.A. Melo and J.C. Pinto, Polym. React. Eng., 11,1, 159-180, 2003.
  90. Synthesis and Characterization of Flexible Polyoxadiazole Films Through Cyclodehydration of Polyhydrazides, D. Gomes, S.P. Nunes, J.C. Pinto and C. Borges, Polymer, 44, 13, 3633-3639, 2003.
  91. Control Strategies for Complex Chemical Processes. Applications in Polymerization Processes, R.A.M. Vieira, M. Embiruçu, C. Sayer, J.C. Pinto and E.L. Lima, Comp. Chem. Eng., 27, 8-9, 1307-1327, 2003.
  92. Free-Radical Solution Polymerization of Styrene in a Tubular Reactor - Effects of Recycling, P.A. Cabral, P.A. Melo, E.C. Biscaia Jr., E.L. Lima and J. C. Pinto, Polym. Eng. Sci., 43, 6, 1163-1179, 2003.
  93. Semi-Batch Styrene Suspension Polymerization Processes, M.K. Lenzi, F.M. Silva, E.L. Lima and J.C. Pinto, Jl. Appl. Polym. Sci., 89, 11, 3021-3038, 2003.
  94. The Bifurcation Behavior of Continuous Free-Radical Solution Loop Polymerization Reactors, P.A. Melo, E.C. Biscaia Jr. and J.C. Pinto, Chem. Eng. Sci., 58, 13, 2805-2821, 2003.
  95. Determination of Hydrazide Content in Poly(oxadiazole-hydrazide) Copolymers by NMR and Thermal Analysis, D. Gomes, J.C. Pinto and C.P. Borges, Polymer, 44, 20, 6223-6233, 2003.
  96. On-Line Monitoring of the Evolution of Number of Particles in Emulsion Polymerization by Conductivity Measurements. I. Model Formulation, A.F. Santos, E.L. Lima, J.C. Pinto, C. Graillat and T. McKenna, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 90, 15, 1213-1226, 2003.
  97. Monitoring and Control of Styrene Solution Polymerization Using NIR Spectroscopy, J.M.R. Fontoura, A.F. Santos, F.M. Silva, M. K. Lenzi, E.L. Lima and J.C. Pinto, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 90, 15, 1273-1289, 2003.
  98. Evolution of Molecular Weight and Long Chain Branch Distributions in Olefin-Diene Copolymerization, M. Nele, J.B.P. Soares and J.C. Pinto, Macromol. Theory Simul., 12, 8, 582-592, 2003
  99. Analysis of Kinetic Models Proposed for the Controlled Degradation of Polypropylene – Presentation of a General and Analytical Solution, J.A. Oliveira, E.C. Biscaia Jr. and J.C. Pinto, Macromol. Theory Simul., 12, 9, 696-704, 2003.
  100. On-Line Monitoring of the Evolution of Number of Particles in Emulsion Polymerization by Conductivity Measurements. II. Model Validation, A.F. Santos, E.L. Lima, J.C. Pinto, C. Graillat and T. McKenna, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 91, 2, 941-952, 2004.
  101. On-line Monitoring of Emulsion Polymerization Using Conductivity Measurements, C. Graillat, A.F. Santos, J.C. Pinto and T. McKenna, Macromol. Symp., 206, 1, 433-442, 2004.
  102. Acrylic Acid / Vinyl Acetate Suspension Copolymerizations. I. Partition Coefficients for Acrylic Acid, F.M. Silva, E.L. Lima and J.C. Pinto, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 93, 3, 1077-1088, 2004.
  103. Deconvolution of Molecular Weight Distributions Using Dynamic Flory-Schulz Distributions, M. Fortuny, M. Nele, P.A. Melo and J.C. Pinto, Macromol. Theory Simul., 13, 4, 355-364, 2004.
  104. Effects of Reaction Variables on the Reproducibility of the Syntheses of Poly-1,3,4-Oxadiazole, D. Gomes, C. Borges and J. C. Pinto, Polymer, 45, 15, 4997-5004, 2004.
  105. Enzymatic hydrolysis by immobilized lipase applied to a new prototype anti-asthma drug, J. V. Bevilaqua, J. C. Pinto, L. M. Lima, J. B. Eliezer, T. L. M. Alves and D. M. G. Freire, Biochem. Engng. Jl., 21, 103-110, 2004.
  106. Simulation of Catalytic Cracking in a Fixed Fluidized Bed Unit, R. C. Vieira, J. C. Pinto, E. C. Biscaia Jr., C. M. L. A. Baptista and H. S. Cerqueira, Ind. Engng. Chem. Res., 43, 19, 6027-6034, 2004.
  107. Control of Copolymer Composition in Suspension Copolymerization Reactions, F.M. Silva, E.L. Lima and J.C. Pinto, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 43, 23, 7312-7323, 2004.
  108. Acrylic Acid / Vinyl Acetate Suspension Copolymerizations. 2. Modeling and Experimental Results, F.M. Silva, E.L. Lima and J.C. Pinto, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 43, 23, 7324-7342, 2004.
  109. Modeling Ethylene / 1-Butene Copolymerizations in Industrial Slurry Reactors, A.G. Matos Neto, M.F. Freitas, M. Nele and J.C. Pinto, DECHEMA Monographs, 138, 69-78, 2004.
  110. Ethylene Polymerization with a-Diimine Ni Catalyst Activated by Ethyl Aluminum Sesquichloride, L.C. Ferreira Jr., M. Nele, G.L. Crossetti, P.A. Melo Jr and J.C. Pinto, DECHEMA Monographs, 138, 261-265, 2004.
  111. Bulk Copolymerization of Propylene / 1-Butene Using High-Activity Ziegler-Natta Catalyst, F.M. Silva, R.T. Santos, M. Nele, G.L. Crossetti, P.A. Melo Jr., E.L. Lima and J.C. Pinto, DECHEMA Monographs, 138, 267-273, 2004.
  112. Data Reconciliation in a Ziegler-Natta Ethylene Polymerization, A.M. Oliveira Jr., M. Embiruçu, J.C. Pinto and E.L. Lima, DECHEMA Monographs, 138, 531-535, 2004.
  113. Low-Cost Thermocouple Signal Conditioning Module, M.K. Lenzi, F.M. Silva, M.F. Cunningham, E.L. Lima and J.C. Pinto, Jl. Chem Education, 82, 1, 122-123, 2005.
  114. Monitoring and Control of Polymerization Reactors Using NIR Spectroscopy, A.F. Santos, F.M. Silva, M.K. Lenzi and J.C. Pinto, Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering, 44, 1, 1-61, 2005.
  115. In-Situ Monitoring of Emulsion Polymerisations of MMA and Styrene Using Conductimetry and Calorimetry, A.F. Santos, J.C. Pinto and T. McKenna, Macromol. Symp., 226, 157-166, 2005.
  116. Modeling of Semibatch Styrene Suspension Polymerization Processes, M.K. Lenzi, M.F. Cunningham, E.L. Lima and J.C. Pinto, Jl. Appl. Polym. Sci., 96, 1950-1967, 2005.
  117. Lysosyme Adsorption onto Different Supports: A Comparative Study, K.C.S. Figueiredo, V.M.M. Salim, T.L.M. Alves and J.C. Pinto, Adsorption, 11, 1, 131-138, 2005.
  118. Application of a Modified RESS Process for Polypropylene Microparticle Production, J.V. Oliveira, J.C. Pinto and C. Dariva, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 228-229, 381-388, 2005.
  119. In-Line Monitoring and Control of Conversion and Weight-Average Molecular Weight of Polyurethanes in Solution Step-Growth Polymerization Based on Near Infrared Spectroscopy and Torquemetry, E.S. Nogueira, C.P. Borges and J.C. Pinto, Macromol. Mater. Eng., 290, 2, 272-282, 2005.
  120. Modeling of Particle Fragmentation in Heterogeneous Olefin Polymerization Reactions, 2. A Two-Phase Model, D.M. Merquior, E.L. Lima and J.C. Pinto, Macromol. Mater. Eng., 290, 6, 511-524, 2005.
  121. Investigation of the Microstructure of Polypropylene Prepared with Ansa and Fluxional Metallocene Catalysts with an Extended Coleman-Fox Model, M. Nele, J.C. Pinto, M. Mohammed and S. Collins, J. Polym. Sci. Part A; Polym. Chem., 43, 1797-1810, 2005.
  122. Investigation of Catalyst Fragmentation in Gas-Phase Olefin Polymerisation: a Novel Short Stop Reactor, F.M. Silva, J.P. Broyer, C. Novat, E.L. Lima, J.C. Pinto and T. McKenna, Macomol. Rapid Commun., 26, 1846-1853, 2005.
  123. Synthesis of Propylene / 1-Butene Copolymers with Ziegler-Natta Catalyst in Gas Phase Copolymeizations, 1. Kinetics and Macromolecular Properties, F.M. Silva, E.L. Lima, J.C. Pinto and T. McKenna, Macromol. Chem. Phys., 206, 2333-2341, 2005.
  124. Modeling the Nucleation Stage During Batch Emulsion Polymerization, M. Fortuny, C. Graillat, T. McKenna, P.H.H. Araújo and J.C. Pinto, AIChE Jl., 51,9, 2521-2533, 2005.
  125. Producing Bimodal Molecular Weight Distribution Polymer Resins Using Living and Conventional Free-Radical Polymerization, M.K. Lenzi, M.F. Cunningham, E.L. Lima and J.C. Pinto, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 44, 2568-2578, 2005.
  126. Modeling Ethylene/1-Butene Copolymerizations in Industrial Reactors, A.G. Mattos Neto, M.F. Freitas, M. Nele and J.C. Pinto, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 44, 2697-2715, 2005.
  127. Correlating Polymer Parameters to the Entire Molecular Weight Distribution: Application to the Melt Index, M. Nele, A. Latado and J.C. Pinto, Macromol. Mater. Eng., 291, 3, 272-278, 2006.
  128. SBS/Polyaniline or Carbon Black System: Finding the Optimal Process and Molding Temperatures Through Experimental Design, F.G. Souza Jr., B.G. Soares and J.C. Pinto, Macromol. Mater. Eng., 291, 5, 463-469, 2006.
  129. Liquid Pool Copolymerization of Propylene / 1-Butene with a MgCl2-Supported Ziegler-Natta Catalyst, F.M. Silva, P.A. Melo Jr., M. Nele, E.L. Lima and J.C. Pinto, Macromol. Mater. Eng., 291, 5, 540-551, 2006.
  130. Controlled Degradation of Poly(propylene) in Industrial Extruders, J.A. Oliveira, E.C. Biscaia Jr., J.C.S. Fadigas and J.C. Pinto, Macromol. Mater. Eng., 291, 5, 552-570, 2006.
  131. Detecting Core-Shell Structure Formation Using Near Infrared Spectrocopy, M.K. Lenzi, E.L. Lima and J.C. Pinto, J. Near Infrared Spectrosc., 14, 3, 179-187, 2006.
  132. A New Approach for Sequential Experimental Design for Model Discrimination, M. Schwaab, F.M. Silva, C.A. Queipo, A.G. Barreto Jr., M. Nele and J.C. Pinto, Chem. Engng. Sci., 61, 5791-5806, 2006.
  133. A Suitable Model to Describe Bioremediation of a Petroleum-Contaminated Soil, D.M. Pala, D.D. Carvalho, J.C. Pinto and G.L. Sant’Anna Jr., International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation, 58, 3-4, 254-260, 2006.
  134. Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of the Production of PMMA-Based Bone Cement, J.G.F. Santos Jr., L.S. Peixoto, M. Nele, P.A. Melo and J.C. Pinto, Macromol. Symp., 243, 1, 1-12, 2006.
  135. Modeling of Bone Cement Production, L. Lemos, M. Nele, P.A. Melo and J.C. Pinto, Macromol. Symp., 243, 1, 13-23, 2006.
  136. Simultaneous Data Reconciliation and Parameter Estimation in Bulk Polypropylene Polymerizations in Real Time, D.M. Prata, E.L. Lima and J.C. Pinto, Macromol. Symp., 243, 1, 91-103, 2006.
  137. Synthesis of Poly(Vinyl Alcohol) and/or Poly(Vinyl Acetate) Particles with Spherical Morphology and Core-Shell Structure and its Use in Vascular Embolization, L.S. Peixoto, F.M. Silva, M.A. L. Niemeyer, G.Espinosa, P.A. Melo, M. Nele and J.C. Pinto, Macromol. Symp., 243, 1, 190-199, 2006.
  138. On-line Data Reconciliation and Parameter Estimation for an Industrial Polypropylene Reactor, D.M. Prata, J.C. Pinto and E.L. Lima, in “Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering”, Ed. W. Marquardt, 21, 1581-1586, 2006.
  139. Method for Quantitative Evaluation of Kinetic Constants in Olefin Polymerizations. 3. Kinetic Study of the hiPP Synthesis, V. Matos, M. Moreira, A.G. Mattos Neto, M. Nele, P.A. Melo and J.C. Pinto, Macromolecular Reaction Engineering, 1, 1, 137-159, 2007.
  140. Matrix Representation of Polymer Chain Size Distributions. 2. Fundamental Analysis of Linear Polymerization Mechanisms at Transient Conditions, H.L. Sanches, P.A. Melo and J. C. Pinto, Macromol. Theory Simul., 16, 2, 178-193, 2007.
  141. Modeling of the Separation of Propene/Propane Mixtures by Permeation Through Membranes in a Polymerization System, M.T. Castoldi, J.C. Pinto and P.A. Melo, Ind. Engng. Chem. Res., 46, 4, 1259-1269, 2007.
  142. SBS/Pani.DBSA mixture plasticized with DOP and NCLS – Effect of the plasticizers on the probability density of volume resistivity measurements, F.G. Souza Jr, J.C. Pinto and B.G. Soares, European Polymer Journal, 43, 5, 2007-2016, 2007.
  143. Optimum Reference Temperature for Reparameterization of the Arrhenius Equation. Part 1: Problems Involving One Kinetic Constant, M. Schwaab and J.C. Pinto, Chemical Engineering Science, 62, 10, 2750-2764, 2007.
  144. Morphological Characterization of Cupriavidus necator DSM 545 Flocks Through Image Analysis, L. Finkler, Y.P. Ginoris, C.L. Luna, T.L. Alves, J.C. Pinto and M.A.Z. Coelho, World J. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 23, 6, 801-88, 2007.
  145. Preparation of a Conductive Thermoplastic Elastomer Vulcanizate Based on EVA and NBR Blends with Polyaniline, F.G. Souza Jr, M. Almeida, B.G. Soares and J.C. Pinto, Polymer Testing, 26, 692-697, 2007.
  146. Evaluation of electrical properties of SBS/Pani blends plasticized with DOP and CNSL using an empirical statistical model, F.G. Souza Jr, J.C. Pinto, M.H. Herbst, G.E. Oliveira and B.G. Soares, Polymer Testing, 26, 6, 720-728, 2007.
  147. A Stochastic Flow Model for a Tubular Solution Polymerization Reactor, A.S. Vianna Jr., E.C. Biscaia Jr. and J.C. Pinto, Polymer Engineering Science, 47, 11, 1839-1846, 2007.
  148. Concentration of Cupriavidus necator Cells by Flocculation and Sedimentation, L. Finkler, C.L. Luna, J.C. Pinto e T.L.M. Alves, World J. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 23, 12, 1789-179, 2007.
  149. “Living” Free Radical Polymerization in Tubular Reactors. I. Modeling of the Complete Molecular Weight Distribution Using Probability Generating Functions, M. Asteasuain, M. Soares, M.K. Lenzi, M. Cunningham, C. Sarmoria, J.C. Pinto and A. Brandolin, Macromol. React. Eng.,1, 6, 622-634, 2007.
  150. Influence of Reaction Media on Pressure Sensitivity of Polyanilines Doped with DBSA, F.G. Souza Jr, T.K. Anzai, P.A. Melo Jr. , B.G. Soares, M. Nele and J.C. Pinto, Journal of Applied Polymer Science., 107, 2404-2413, 2008.
  151. Kinetics of the Catalytic Combustion of Diesel Soot with MoO3/Al2O3 Catalyst from Thermogravimetric Analyze, F.S. Toniolo, E. Barbosa-Coutinho, M. Schwaab, I.C.L. Leocadio, R.S. Aderne, M. Schmal and J.C. Pinto, Appl. Cat. A: General., 342, 87-92, 2008.
  152. Continuous Soluble Ziegler-Natta Ethylene Polymerizations in Reactor Trains – II. Estimation of Kinetic Parameters from Industrial Data, M. Embiruçu, D.M. Prata, E.L. Lima and J.C. Pinto, Macromol. React. Eng., 2, 2, 142-160, 2008.
  153. Continuous Soluble Ziegler-Natta Ethylene Polymerizations in Reactor Trains – III. Influence of Operation Conditions upon Process Performance, M. Embiruçu, E.L. Lima and J.C. Pinto, Macromol. React. Eng., 2, 2, 161-175, 2008.
  154. Synthesis of Propylene/1-Butene Copolymers in Liquid Pool and Gas-Phase Processes: A Comparative Analysis, F. Machado, E.L. Lima, J.C. Pinto and T.F. McKenna, Eur. Polym. J., 44, 4, 1102-1113, 2008.
  155. In-Situ Preparation of Polypropylene / 1-Butene Alloys Using a MgCl2 -Supported Ziegler-Natta Catalyst, F. Machado, E.L. Lima, J.C. Pinto and T.F. McKenna, Eur. Polym. J., 44, 4, 1130-1139, 2008.
  156. Matrix Representation of Polymer Chain Size Distributions. 3. Case Studies for Linear Polymerization Mechanisms at Transient Conditions”, H.L. Sanches, P.A. Melo Jr. and J.C. Pinto, Macromol. Theory Simul., 17, 4-5, 227-240, 2008.
  157. New In Situ Blends of Polyaniline and Cardanol Bio-Resins, F.G. Souza Jr, P. Richa, A. Siervo, G.E. Oliveira, C.H.M. Rodrigues, M. Nele and J.C. Pinto, Macromol. Mat. Eng., 293, 8, 675-683, 2008.
  158. Nonlinear Parameter Estimation through Particle Swarm Optimization, M. Schwaab, E.C. Biscaia Jr., J.L. Monteiro e J.C. Pinto, Chem. Eng. Sci., 63, 6, 1542-1552, 2008.
  159. Sequential Experimental Design for Model Discrimination. Taking Into Account the Posterior Covariance Matrix of Parameter Uncertainties., M. Schwaab, J.L. Monteiro and J.C. Pinto, Chem. Eng. Sci., 63, 9, 2408-2419, 2008.
  160. Optimum Reference Temperature for Reparameterization of the Arrhenius Equation. Part 2: Problems Involving Multiple Reparameterizations, M. Schwaab, Lívia P. Lemos and J.C. Pinto, Chem. Eng. Sci., 63, 11, 2895-2906, 2008.
  161. Comparative Analysis of Robust Estimators on Nonlinear Dynamic data Reconciliation, D.M. Prata, J.C. Pinto and E.L. Lima, Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering, 25, 501-506, 2008.
  162. Electrical Surface Resistivity of Conductive Polymers – A non-Gaussian Approach for Determination of Confidence Intervals, F.G. Souza, B.G. Soares and J.C. Pinto, Eur. Polym. Jl., 44, 11, 3908-3914, 2008.
  163. In-Line Monitoring of Bulk Polypropylene Reactors Based on Data Reconciliation Procedures, D.M. Prata, E.L. Lima and J.C. Pinto, Macromol. Symp., 271, 26-37, 2008.
  164. Modeling and Simulation of Liquid Phase Propylene Polymerizations in Industrial Loop Reactors, E.A. de Lucca, R. Maciel Filho, P.A. Melo and J.C. Pinto, Macromol. Symp., 271, 08-14, 2008.
  165. “Living” Free Radical Polymerization in Tubular Reactors. II. Process Optimization for Tailor-Made Molecular Weight Distributions, M. Asteasuain, M. Soares, M.K. Lenzi, M. Cunningham, A. Brandolin, J.C. Pinto, C. Sarmoria, Macromol. React. Eng., 2, 5, 414-421, 2008.
  166. New Polyaniline / Polycardanol Conductive Blends, F.G. Souza Jr, M.V. Rodrigues, T.K. Anzai, P. Richa, P.A. Melo Jr, M. Nele, B.G. Soares, G.E. Oliveira and J.C. Pinto, Polym. Eng. Sci., 48, 10, 1947-1952, 2008.
  167. Optimum Reparameterization of Power Function Models, M. Schwaab and J.C. Pinto, Chem. Eng. Sci., 63, 18, 4631-4635, 2008.
  168. Use of Bifurcation Analysis for Development of Nonlinear Models for Control Applications, M.P. Vega, E.L. Lima and J.C. Pinto, Chem. Eng. Sci., 63, 21, 5129-5140, 2008.
  169. The Kinetics of Gibbsite Dissolution in NaOH, J.A.M. Pereira, M. Schwaab, E. Dell’Oro, J.C. Pinto, J.L.F. Monteiro and C.A. Henriques, Hydrometallurgy, 96, 1, 06-13, 2009.
  170. Evaluation of the Initial Stages of Gas-Phase Ethylene Polymerizations with a SiO2-Supported Ziegler-Natta Catalyst, F. Machado, E.L. Lima, J.C. Pinto, T. McKenna, Macromol. React. Eng., 3, 1, 47-57, 2009. (Selected as "Hottest Paper in Catalysis" by Wiley and republished as one of the 18 best papers of the year.)
  171. In Situ Determination of Aniline Polymerization Kinetics through Near Infrared Spectroscopy, F.G. Souza, T.K. Anzai, M.V.A. Rodrigues, P.A. Melo Jr., M. Nele and J.C. Pinto, Jl. Appl. Polym. Sci., 112, 1, 157-162, 2009.
  172. Expanded Core – Shell Poly(vinyl acetate) / Poly(vinyl alcohol) Particles for Embolization, L. Peixoto, M. Nele, P.A. Melo and J.C. Pinto, Macromol. Mat. Eng., 294, 8, 463-471, 2009.
  173. Natural Brazilian Amazonic Fibers (Curauá) Modified with Polyaniline Nanoparticles, F.G. Souza, G.E. Oliveira, B.G. Soares, M. Nele, C.H.M. Rodrigues and J.C. Pinto, Macromol. Mat. Eng., 294, 8, 484-491, 2009.
  174. Nonlinear Dynamic Data Reconciliation in Real Time in Actual Processes, D.M. Prata, E.L. Lima and J.C. Pinto, Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering, 27, 47-54, 2009.
  175. Monitoring of Vinyl Chloride Suspension Polymerization Using NIRS. 1. Prediction of Morphological Properties, J.M. Faria Jr., F. Machado, E.L. Lima and J.C. Pinto, Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering, 27, 327-332, 2009.
  176. In Situ Incorporation of Recycled Polymer in Suspension Polymerizations, C.K. Melo, M. Soares, P.A. Melo and J.C. Pinto, Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering, 27, 1125-1130, 2009.
  177. Comparison between Statistical and Observer-Based Approaches for Fault Detection and Isolation in a Chemical Process, T.S. Feital, U. Kruger, J.C. Pinto and E.L. Lima, Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering, 27, 1257-1262, 2009.
  178. Monitoring of Vinyl Chloride Suspension Polymerization Using NIRS. 2. Proposition of a Scheme to Control Morphological Properties of PVC, J.M. Faria Jr., F. Machado, E.L. Lima and J.C. Pinto, Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering, 27, 1329-1334, 2009.
  179. Nonlinear Dynamic Data Reconciliation and Parameter Estimation Through Particle Swarm Optimization: Application for an Industrial Polypropylene Reactor, D.M. Prata, M. Schwaab, E.L. Lima and J.C. Pinto, Chem. Eng. Sci., 64, 18, 3953-3967, 2009. (Selected as “Top25 Hottest Articles” by Elsevier)
  180. Hybrid Modeling of Methane Reformers. Part 1: A Metamodel for the Effectiveness Factor of Catalyst Pellet with Complex Geometry, A.L Alberton, M. Schwaab, C.E. Fontes, R.C. Bittencourt and J.C. Pinto, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 48, 21, 9369-9375, 2009.
  181. Hybrid Modeling of Methane Reformers. Part 2: Modeling of the Industrial Reactors, A.L Alberton, M. Schwaab, C.E. Fontes, R.C. Bittencourt and J.C. Pinto, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 48, 21,9376-9382, 2009.
  182. A Sensor for Acids Concentration Based on Cellulosic Paper Sheets Modified with Polyaniline Nanoparticles, F.G. Souza Jr, G.E. Oliveira, T.K. Anzai, P. Richa, T. Cosme, M. Nele, C.H.M. Rodrigues, B.G. Soares and José Carlos Pinto, Macromol. Mat. Eng., 294, 11, 739-748, 2009.
  183. Experimental Errors in Catalytic Tests and its Influence on the Precision of Estimated Parameters. Part I - Analysis of First-Order Reactions, A.L. Alberton, M. Schwaab, M. Schmal and J.C. Pinto, Chem. Eng. J., 155, 3, 816-823, 2009.
  184. Tayloring Vinyl Acetate / Acrylic Acid Copolymers Through Process Optimization, F. Machado, E.L. Lima and J.C. Pinto, Plastics Research Online, November 23, 1-3, 2009 (10.1002/spepro.001585).
  185. Hybrid Modeling of Methane Reformers. Part 3: Optimal Geometries of Perforated Catalyst Pellets, A.L Alberton, M. Schwaab, R.C. Bittencourt, M. Schmal and J.C. Pinto, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 48, 23, 10277-10283, 2009.
  186. In-Line Monitoring of Vinyl Chloride Suspension Polymerization with Near Infrared Spectroscopy. 1. Analysis of Morphological Properties, J.M. Faria Jr., F. Machado, E.L. Lima and J.C. Pinto, Macromol. React. Eng., 4, 1, 11-24, 2010.
  187. Dynamic Optimization of Semibatch Vinyl Acetate/Acrylic Acid Suspension Copolymerizations, F. Machado, E.L. Lima e J.C. Pinto, Polym. Eng. Sci., 50, 4, 697-708, 2010.
  188. Simultaneous Robust Data Reconciliation and Gross Error Detection Through Particle Swarm Optimization for an Industrial Polypropylene Reactor, D.M. Prata, M. Schwaab, E.L. Lima e J.C. Pinto, Chem. Eng. Sci., 65, 17, 4943-4954, 2010.
  189. In-Line Monitoring of Vinyl Chloride Suspension Polymerization with Near Infrared Spectroscopy. 2. Design of an Advanced Control Strategy, J.M. Faria Jr., F. Machado, E.L. Lima e J.C. Pinto, Macromol. React. Eng., 4, 8, 486-498, 2010.
  190. Magnetic Field Sensor Based on a Maghemite / Polyaniline Hybrid Material, F.G. Souza Jr., J.A. Marins, J.C. Pinto, G.E. Oliveira, C.M. Rodrigues e L.M.T.R. Lima, J. Mat. Sci., 45, 18, 5012-5021, 2010.
  191. Polymerization of Ethylene by (α-Diimine) Nickel Catalyst: Polymer Synthesis and Analysis of Reaction Effects, L.C. Ferreira Jr., P.A. Melo, G.L. Crossetti, G.B. Galland, M. Nele, J.C. Pinto, Polym. Eng. Sci., 50,9, 1797-1808, 2010.
  192. Branched Polyethylene with an (α-Diimine) Nickel Catalyst, L.C. Ferreira Jr., P.A. Melo Jr., M. Nele e J.C. Pinto, Plastics Research Online, July 27, 1-3, 2010 (10.1002/spepro.003043).
  193. Technological Trends in CFD Applications, G. Islabão, J.C. Pinto, A.S. Vianna Jr, J. Techn. Manag. Innov., 5, 2, 76-83, 2010.
  194. Microwave Activation of Enzymatic Catalysts for Biodiesel Production,
    B.M. Nogueira, C. Carretoni, R. Cruz, S. Freitas, P.A. Melo Jr, R.C. Felix, J.C. Pinto, M. Nele, J. Mol. Cat. B: Enzym., 67, 1-2, 117-121, 2010.
  195. Sequential Experimental Design Based on Multiobjective Optimization Procedures, A.L. Alberton, M. Schwaab, E.C. Biscaia Jr. e J.C. Pinto, Chem. Eng. Sci., 65, 20, 5482-5494, 2010.
  196. A Magnetic Biocomposite for Cleaning of Oil Spills on Water, J.A. Marins, C.H.M. Rodrigues, J.C. Pinto e F.G. Souza Jr, Macromol. Mater. Eng., 295, 10, 942-948, 2010.
  197. A Unified Statistical Framework for Monitoring Multivariate Systems with Unknown Source and Error Signals, T.S. Feital, U. Kruger, L. Xie, U. Schubert, E.L. Lima e J.C. Pinto, Chemometrics and Intelligent Systems, 104, 2, 223-232, 2010.
  198. Mathematical Modeling of MWD and CBD in Polymerizations with Macromonomer Reincorporation and Chain-Running, L.C. Ferreira Jr., M. Nele, M.A.S. Costa e J.C. Pinto, Macromol. Theory Simul., 19, 8-9, 496-513, 2010.
  199. Effect of Pressure on the Structure and Electrical Conductivity of Cardanol-Furfural-Polyaniline Blends, F.G. Souza Jr, M.T.D. Orlando, R.C. Michel, J.C. Pinto, T. Cosme e G.E. Oliveira, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 119, 5, 2666-2673, 2011.
  200. Modeling the Degradation of Natural Rubber Male Condoms, M.C. Bó, J.P. Gerofi, R.C.R. Nunes e J.C. Pinto, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 120, 2, 839-849, 2011.
  201. An Experimental Study on the Early Stages of Gas-Phase Olefin Polymerizations Using Supported Ziegler-Natta and Metallocene Catalysts, F. Machado, E.L. Lima, J.C. Pinto e T.F. McKenna, Polym. Eng. Sci., 51, 2, 302-310, 2011.
  202. Modeling the Dynamics of the Xylene Solubles Fraction (XS) in a Bulk Propylene Polymerization Process, F. Machado e J.C. Pinto, Macromol. React. Eng., 5, 2, 129-139, 2011.
  203. Nascent Morphology of Polyolefin Particles from Gas-Phase Polymerization, F. Machado, E.L. Lima, J.C. Pinto e T. McKenna, Plastics Research Online, January 20, 1-3, 2011 (10.1002/spepro.003388).
  204. In-Line Monitoring of Vinyl Acetate / Acrylic Acid Batch Copolymerizations through Near Infrared Spectroscopy, H.L. Pereira, F. Machado, E.L. Lima e J.C. Pinto, Macromol. Symp., 299-300, 1-9, 2011.
  205. In-Situ Incorporation of Antibiotics During Suspension Polymerizations, M.A.M. Oliveira, P.A. Melo, M. Nele e J.C. Pinto, Macromol. Symp., 299-300, 34-40, 2011.
  206. Analysis of Near Infrared Spectra During Methyl Methacrylate (MMA) Suspension Polymerizations, J.G.F. Santos, D.V. Way, P.A. Melo, M. Nele e J.C. Pinto, Macromol. Symp., 299-300, 57-65, 2011.
  207. Synthesis of Spherical Core-Shell PVAc-co-PMMA/PVA Particles for Use in Vascular Embolization, L.S. Peixoto, F.B. Cordeiro, P.A. Melo, M. Nele e J.C. Pinto, Macromol. Symp., 299-300, 132-138, 2011.
  208. Solid State Polymerization of Poly(ethylene terephthalate): The Effect of Water Vapor in the Carrier Gas, V. Filgueiras, S. N. Vouyiouka, C. D. Papaspyrides, E. L. Lima e J. C. Pinto, Macromol. Mater. Eng., 296, 2, 113-121, 2011.
  209. Oscillatory Behavior of an Industrial Slurry Polyethylene Reactor, N.J.C. Jesus, P.A. Melo, M. Nele e J.C. Pinto, Can. J. Chem. Eng., 89, 3, 582-592, 2011.
  210. Experimental Design for the Joint Model Discrimination and Precise Parameter Estimation through Information Measures, A.L. Alberton, M. Schwaab, M.W. Lobão e J.C. Pinto, Chem. Eng. Sci., 66, 9, 1940-1952, 2011.
  211. Analysis of Solution Polybutadiene Polymerizations Performed With a Neodymium Catalyst, L.C. Ferreira Jr., L.C. Santa Maria, N.M.T. Pires, M.A. S. Costa, M. Nele e J.C. Pinto, Polym. Eng. Sci., 51, 4, 712-720, 2011.
  212. Data Reconciliation and Control in Styrene-Butadiene Emulsion Polymerizations, P.N. Souza, M. Soares, M.M. Amaral, E.L. Lima e J.C. Pinto, Macromol. Symp., 302, 1, 80-89, 2011.
  213. Accelerated Deactivation of Hydrotreating Catalysts by Coke Deposition, M.E. Pacheco, V.M.M. Salim, J.C. Pinto, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 50, 10, 5975-5981, 2011.
  214. Comprehensive Mathematical Modeling of Controlled Radical Copolymerization in Tubular Reactors, Asteasuain, M., Covan, D., Sarmoria, C., Brandolin, A., Araujo, C.L. e Pinto, J.C., Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering, 29, Part A, 51-55, 2011.
  215. Analysis of Experimental Errors in Bioprocesses. 1. Production of Lactobionic Acid and Sorbitol Using the GFOR (Glucose-Fructose Oxidoreductase) Enzyme from Permeabilized Cells of Zymomonas mobilis, J.B. Severo Jr., J.C. Pinto, H.C. Ferraz e T.L.M. Alves, J. Ind. Microb. Biotechn ., 38 , 9, 1575-1585, 2011.
  216. Real-Time Monitoring and Parameter Estimation of the Emulsion Polymerization of Carboxylated Styrene/Butadiene Latexes, M. Soares, F. Machado, A. Guimarães, M.M. Amaral e J.C. Pinto, Polymer Engineering and Science , 51 , 10, 1919-1932, 2011.
  217. Critical Analysis of Kinetic Modeling Procedures, M.W.N. Lobão, A.L. Alberton , M. Schwaab, S.A.B.V. Melo, M. Embiruçu e J.C. Pinto , International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering , 9 , A87, 1-33, 2011.
  218. Synthesis of Biodegradable Hydrogel Nanoparticles for Bioapplications Using Inverse Miniemulsion RAFT Polymerization, M.A.M. Oliveira, C. Boyer, M. Nele, J.C. Pinto, P.B. Zetterlund e T.P. Davis, Macromolecules , 44 ,7167-7175, 2011.
  219. Production of Core-Shell Particles by Combined Semibatch Emulsion / Suspension Polymerizations, M. Besteti, D.G. Freire e J.C. Pinto, Macromolecular Reaction Engineering , 5 , 9-10, 518-532, 2011.
  220. Use of Ethanol in the Catalytic Abatement of NOx, Applied Catalysis, F.T. Vieira, M.A.S. Baldanza, J.C. Pinto, M. Schmal, Applied Catalysis A: General , 403, 1-2, 192-198, 2011.
  221. Kinetics of Toluene Disproportionation: Modeling and Experiments, Marcos W.N. Lobão, André L. Alberton, Sílvio A.B.V. Melo, Marcelo Embiruçu, José L.F. Monteiro e José Carlos Pinto, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research., 51, 1, 171-183, 2012.
  222. Design of Experiments for Discrimination of Rival Models Based on the Expected Number of Eliminated Models, A. L. Alberton, M. Schwaab, M. W. N. Lobão, J. C. Pinto, Chemical Engineering Science, 75, 1, 120-131, 2012.
  223. The New Geography of Scientific Collaborations , S. M. R. Vasconcelos, N. H. Steneck, M. Anderson, H. Masuda, M. Palacios, J. C. Pinto, M. M. Sorenson, Science & Society , 13, 5, 404-407, 2012.
  224. Morphological Changes of Poly(ethylene terephthalate-co-isophthalate) during Solid State Polymerization, S. N. Vouyiouka, V. Filgueiras, C. D. Papaspyrides, E. Lima e J. C. Pinto, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 124, 6, 4457-4565, 2012.
  225. Suspension Copolymerization of Vinyl Acetate and Methyl Methacrylate in the Presence of Amoxicillin, M.A.M. Oliveira, P.A. Melo Jr., M. Nele e J.C. Pinto , Macromolecular Reaction Engineering , 6 , 280-292, 2012.
  226. Analysis of Energy Dissipation in Stirred Suspension Polymerization Reactors Using Computational Fluidynamics, E.S. Nogueira, A.S. Vianna Jr. e J.C. Pinto, Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering , 90 , 983 – 995, 2012.
  227. Production of Poly(acrylic acid) Particles Dispersed in Organic Media, M.C.C. Pinto, F.W. Gomes, C.K. Melo, P.A. Melo Jr, M. Castro, J.C. Pinto, Macromolecular Symposia, 319, 15-22, 2012.
  228. In Situ Incorporation of Doxorubicin in Copolymer Particles During Suspension Polymerization, M.A.M. Oliveira, P.A. Melo Jr., M. Nele, J.C. Pinto, Macromolecular Symposia, 319, 23-33, 2012.
  229. Preparation and Cytotoxicity of Poly (Methyl Methacrylate) Nanoparticles for Drug Encapsulation, A.N. Mendes, I. Hubber, M. Siqueira, G.M. Barbosa, D.L. Moreira, C. Holandino, J.C. Pinto , M. Nele, Macromolecular Symposia, 319, 34-40, 2012.
  230. Bifurcation Analysis of the Bulk Propylene Polymerization in the LIPP Process, I.S. Rosa, P.A. Melo , J.C. Pinto, Macromolecular Symposia, 319, 41-47, 2012.
  231. Preparation of PMMA Nanoparticles Loaded with Benzophenone through Miniemulsion Polymerization, B.S.S. Lorca, E.S. Bessa, M. Nele, E.P. Santos, J.C. Pinto, Macromolecular Symposia , 319, 246-250, 2012.
  232. Quantitative Evaluation of the Efficiency of Water-in-Crude-Oil Emulsion Dehydration by Electrocoalescence in Pilot-Plant and Full-Scale Units, P. Suemar, E.F. Fonseca, R.C. Coutinho, F. Machado, R. Fontes, L.C. Ferreira, E.L. Lima, P.A. Melo, J.C. Pinto e M. Nele, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research , 51, 41, 13423-13437, 2012.
  233. Single-Point Intrinsic Viscosity and Density Measurements for In-Line MIMO Control Purposes of a Lumped-Distributed Polymeric System, M.P. Vega, E. Bellumat, E.L. Lima e J.C. Pinto, Macromolecular Reaction Engineering , 6 ,12, 482-494, 2012.
  234. Production of PMMA Nanoparticles Loaded with Praziquantel through "In Situ" Miniemulsion Polimerization, L.B. Fonseca, M. Nele, N.M. Volpato, R.C. Seiceira e J.C. Pinto, Macromolecular Reaction Engineering , 7 , 1, 54-63, 2013.
  235. Common Vulnerabilities of RTO Implementations in Real Chemical Processes, A. Quelhas, N.J. Jesus e J.C. Pinto, Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 91, 652-668, 2013.
  236. Modeling and Performance Monitoring of Multivariate Multimodal Processes, T.Feital, U. Kruger, J. Dutra, J.C. Pinto, E.L. Lima, AIChE Journal , 59, 5, 1557–1569, 2013.
  237. Compartmentalization Effects on Miniemulsion Polymerization with Oil-Soluble Initiator, C. Costa, S.A.S. Timmermann, J.C. Pinto, P.H.H. Araujo e C. Sayer, Macromolecular Reaction Engineering, 7, 5, 221-231, 2013.
  238. Statistical Analysis of Linear and Nonlinear Regression in the Estimation of Adsorption Isotherm Parameters, T.A. Osmari, R. Gallon, M. Schwaab, E.B. Coutinho, J.B. Severo Jr. e J.C. Pinto, Adsorption Science and Technology , 31, 5, 433-458, 2013.
  239. Long-Term Statistical Stability of Industrial Plants: Performance Indicators and Monitoring of an Industrial PET Plant, V. Filgueiras, E.L. Lima e J.C. Pinto, Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering , 91, 9, 1523-1537, 2013.
  240. Comparison Between Linear and Nonlinear Regression In a Laboratory Heat Transfer Experiment, C.M. Gonçalves, M. Schwaab e J.C. Pinto, Chemical Engineering Education , 47, 3, 161-178, 2013.
  241. Methodology for Determination of Magnetic Force of Polymeric Nanocomposites, F.G. Souza Jr, A.C. Ferreira, A. Varela, G.E. Oliveira, F. Machado, E. Pereira, E. Fernades, J.C. Pinto e M. Nele, Polymer Testing , 32, 8, 1466-1471, 2013.
  242. Use of Polyhydroxybutyrate and Ethyl Cellulose for Coating of Urea Granules, M.M.E. Costa, E.C.M. Cabral-Albuquerque, T.L.M. Alves, J.C. Pinto e R.L. Fialho, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry , 61 , 42, 9984-9991, 2013.
  243. Production of Copolymers in a Tubular Reactor through Nitroxide Mediated Controlled Free-Radical Polymerization, C.L. Araujo e J.C. Pinto, Macromolecular Symposia , 333 , 1, 62-68, 2013.
  244. Rethinking Petroleum Products Certification, T. Feital, P. Lima, J.C. Pinto, M.B. Souza Jr., G. Xavier, M.J. Lima e M. Joly, Journal of Petroleum Engineering , 2013 , 1-12 (Article ID 594368), 2013.
  245. In Situ Incorporation of Recycled Polystyrene in Styrene Suspension Polymerizations, C.K. Melo, M. Soares, C.A. Castor Jr, P.A. Melo Jr. e J.C. Pinto , Macromolecular Reaction Engineering , 8 , 1, 46-60, 2014.
  246. Preparation of Core-Shell Polymer Supports to Immobilize Lipase B from Candida antarctica . Effect of the Support Nature on Catalytic Properties, A.G. Cunha, M.D. Besteti, E.A. Manoel, A.A.T. Silva, R.V. Almeida, A.B.C. Simas, R.F. Lafuente, J.C. Pinto e D.M.G. Freire, Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic , 100 , 59-67, 2014.
  247. Analysis of Polyolefin Compositions through Near Infrared Spectroscopy, L. Padilha, C.F. Carretoni, F. Machado, M. Nele e J.C. Pinto, Journal of Applied Polymer Science , 131 , 9, 40127, 2014.
  248. Core/Shell Polymer Particles by Semibatch Combined Suspension/Emulsion Polymerizations for Enzyme Immobilization, M.D. Besteti, A.G. Cunha, D.M.G. Freire e J.C. Pinto, Macromolecular Materials and Engineering , 299, 2, 135-143, 2014.
  249. Stability and Microwave Demulsification of Water in Castor Oil Biodiesel Emulsions, B. França, B. Nogueira, C. Carretoni, F. Pessoa, M. Portilho, J.C. Pinto e M. Nele, Energy & Fuels , 28 , 2, 1053-1058, 2014.
  250. Contribution to a More Reproducible Method for Measuring Yield Stress of Waxy Crude Oil Emulsions, C. Barbato, B. Nogueira, M. Khalil, R. Fonseca, M. Gonçalves, J.C. Pinto e M. Nele, Energy & Fuels , 28 , 3, 1717-1725, 2014.
  251. Control of Bulk Propylene Polymerizations Operated with Multiple Catalysts through Controller Reconfiguration, J.C.S. Dutra, T.S. Feital, S. Skogestad, E.L. Lima e J.C. Pinto, Macromolecular Reaction Engineering , 8 , 3, 201-216, 2014.
  252. Particle Responses to Flow Field Oscillations in Heterogeneous Polymerizations Performed in Tank Reactors, W.M. Poubel, C.E.F.C. Silva, E.N. Souza e J.C. Pinto , Macromolecular Reaction Engineering , 8 , 4, 374-391, 2014.
  253. Production of Core-Shell Polymer Particles Containing Cardanol by Semibatch Combined Suspension/Emulsion Polymerization , M. Besteti, F.G. Souza Jr., D.M.G. Freire e J.C. Pinto, Polymer Engineering & Science , 54, 5, 1222-1229, 2014.
  254. Statistical Evaluation of Nonlinear Parameter Estimation Procedures for Adsorption Equilibrium Models, G.O. Cassol, R. Gallon, M. Schwaab, E.B. Coutinho, J.B. Severo Jr. e J.C. Pinto, Adsorption Science and Technology , 32 , 4, 257-273, 2014.
  255. Reversible Addition-Fragmentation Chain Transfer Polymerization of Vinyl Acetate in Bulk and Suspension Systems, M. Oliveira, B.S. Barbosa, M. Nele e J.C. Pinto, Macromolecular Reaction Engineering , 8 , 6, 493-502, 2014.
  256. In-Situ Incorporation of Poly(methyl methacrylate) in Suspension Styrene Polymerizations, C.A. Castor Jr., M. Nele e J.C. Pinto, Macromolecular Reaction Engineering , 8 , 8, 580-596, 2014.
  257. Influence of the Morphology of Core-Shell Supports on the Immobilization of Lipase B from Candida antarctica , M.C.C. Pinto, D.G. Freire e J.C. Pinto, Molecules , 19 , 8, 12509-12530, 2014.
  258. Mathematical Modeling of Molecular Weight Distributions in Vinyl Chloride Suspension Polymerizations Performed with a Bifunctional Initiator through Probability Generating Functions (PGF), C.A. Castor Jr., C. Sarmoria, M. Asteasuain, A. Brandolin e J.C. Pinto, Macromolecular Theory and Simulations , 23 , 8, 500-522, 2014.
  259. Synthesis, Characterization and Drug Delivery Profile of Magnetic PLGA-PEG-PLGA/Maghemite Nanocomposite, E.D. Pereira, F.G. Souza Jr., J.C. Pinto, R. Cerruti e C. Santana, Macromolecular Symposia , 343 , 18-25, 2014.